cheesy as it migth sound, My sisters are my pals, my confidents, my other self.
Mis pleitosas, lloronas, retadoras, chistosas, 2.
mes amies, mes hereauses, les autres 2 moi.
Je vous aime, d`un façon different, sinGulier, sans ègale.
Brenda: my chik chat gurla, who speaks WAY 2 much but has a endless heart, willing 2 leave eveything away 4 me, i GOT SOMETIHN 2 say: THE truth is iM loving that lil voice of uwhile I m taking my shoes of after a long school day.. è la verità.... (kisses 4 ya envey when u dont really love bein kisses), ur my example 2 follow
Shara: My BEAUTIFUL, bigger than me, lil sister. Im really prOUd of what u`ve become,
ur buchesitos are de lo mejor en la Tierra. Je t`aime trop. je suis sûre que tu serais une femme d`excellence, meme si quelques fois parait le contraire. Avec toi je sui mio meme, TU ME COMPRENDS, et I know that I , like, am alike u, and ur alike me. Our games, that nobodY else understands have made me the girl that I am today, and u can bet That my love 4 u will last 4 ever. u MAKE ME BETTER.
Dear sister
Sister isNot onlySister...
MYTruley girl friend...
SisterNot only sister...
My child's...
Also my child hood Teacher...
With a loving servent...
Playing partner...
Sister is
not nly sister
Guide + Advoicer
With my life...
Sister not onlyA sister
My dear mom
A youthFull mom...!
Sister not onlySister...
dear and dear...
Of family V.i.P
At one of
My life heart...
Dear my dear
Your sister's
how are you...?
otteri selvakumar