sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2007


hermanas, sisters, sorelle... como kieras llamarles. Pero en definitiva theres just not a thing better than This thingy.

cheesy as it migth sound, My sisters are my pals, my confidents, my other self.
Mis pleitosas, lloronas, retadoras, chistosas, 2.
mes amies, mes hereauses, les autres 2 moi.

Je vous aime, d`un façon different, sinGulier, sans ègale.

Brenda: my chik chat gurla, who speaks WAY 2 much but has a endless heart, willing 2 leave eveything away 4 me, i GOT SOMETIHN 2 say: THE truth is iM loving that lil voice of uwhile I m taking my shoes of after a long school day.. è la verità.... (kisses 4 ya envey when u dont really love bein kisses), ur my example 2 follow

Shara: My BEAUTIFUL, bigger than me, lil sister. Im really prOUd of what u`ve become,
ur buchesitos are de lo mejor en la Tierra. Je t`aime trop. je suis sûre que tu serais une femme d`excellence, meme si quelques fois parait le contraire. Avec toi je sui mio meme, TU ME COMPRENDS, et I know that I , like, am alike u, and ur alike me. Our games, that nobodY else understands have made me the girl that I am today, and u can bet That my love 4 u will last 4 ever. u MAKE ME BETTER.

SisterS R for EVER.

Dear sister

Sister isNot onlySister...
MYTruley girl friend...
SisterNot only sister...
My child's...
Also my child hood Teacher...
With a loving servent...
Playing partner...
Sister is
not nly sister
Guide + Advoicer
With my life...
Sister not onlyA sister
My dear mom
A youthFull mom...!
Sister not onlySister...
dear and dear...
Of family V.i.P
At one of
My life heart...
Dear my dear
Your sister's
how are you...?

otteri selvakumar


"Winning OnlyTakes Place when we are not afraid to change"